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The path of Emotional Intelligence follows, motivating students to know their own emotions, and their origin, learning to deal with their feelings and impulses, elaborating and channeling them in a healthy way , aiming at the constructive and peaceful resolution of conflicts, empathy and social sensitivity.

Theater and Dance Classes

In the Theater and Dance workshops, students work on body expression, voice projection, dramatic reading, motor skills, in addition to studying emotions, and dealing with everyday situations, seeking to resolve them. Theater is a powerful tool for awakening and reflecting.
Throughout the year students participate in various assemblies, and perform in schools, theaters and squares.

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Percussion Lessons

With the percussion classes, children have the opportunity to work on their motor coordination, musical perception, basic notions of music, such as rhythm, harmony, melody, tempo, pause, and score reading. In the workshops, the most varied percussive rhythms are worked, thus providing a great cultural and diverse scenario.

Therapeutic Monitoring

At the institution, children have the support of Pedagogues, Psychopedagogues and Art Therapists, who monitor the students for possible interventions. The entire planning of activities is done carefully so that it reaches students in the best way, providing even more psycho-attitudinal development.


Food Integration

Nutritional health is helped because we recognize that all physical and mental well-being comes from a good diet.

In this the students have two meals per shift:

Coffee and Lunch (Morning Shift)
Lunch and Snack (Afternoon Shift)

School Complementation

Assistance in school education, research, reading, writing texts, strengthening self-esteem, interest and learning pleasure.

Formation of values of solidarity, respect for people and the environment.

It is part of each student's path to awaken and believe in their own dreams and the possibility of a transformative life project.

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