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"Brazilian Black Man"

Valtércio Santis

Valtércio Bispo dos Santos, born and raised in Taboão - Pelourinho (Historical Center of Salvador / Ba), on February 26, 1968, Bahian of many arts, with a bigger heart than life, is known as Valtércio Santis, chosen artistic name by him.

Plastic artist, actor and dancer, he started his career at the age of 06 at IPAC (Institute of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Bahia). He participated in courses in Plastic Arts, Modern Dance, Afro and Choral, as well as participating in several collective and individual exhibitions in the country and abroad.

In the theater, he debuted at the age of 07, in a children's musical. He adapted Jorge Amado's work, “O gato Malhado e Andorinha Sinhá”. At 14, he began his career in professional shows, participated in courses at MAM (Xylogravura and Lithogravura) and analyzes on Stanislavisk, Brecht, Augusto Boal and Eugênio Kusnet, with Haydil Linhares, Keiler Rêgo, Álvaro Guimarães, Meran Vargens, Cida, Tânia as teachers Bishop and Carlos Moraes. In addition to the geometric design course at the School of Fine Arts.

At the age of 18, he joined the modern dance group of SESC / SENAC and acted as a dancer and choreographer at Maurício Produções Artística, directed by Fernando Peltier. He was a student at several academies such as the Bahia Ballet School, EBATECA, UFBA Dance School, Aquarius. He was a member of the groups Salto, Chama, Mantra, Zona H and the Companhia de Dança Capoeira Foudation.

He was choreographer of the shows "Zezinho anda pra Trás" (1981), "Turma da Mônica" (1981/85), "Chapeuzinho Verde e o Lobo" (1984), "Os Saltimbancos" (1989), "Pinocchio" (1990) , "Alice in Wonderland" (1993), "Traumas e Traumas" (1995), among others.

In August 1993, he joined the cast of the show "Sinfonia de Salvador", at the III Ibero-American Summit Conference, under the direction of Lia Robatto and assistance by Jorge Silva.

Still in 1993, he directed the show "Conexão", by the group Zona H, participated in the XI Oficina Nacional de Dança. Started production of the Pretal 13 Project (Integration of Plastic Arts, Poetry and Dance).

In 1994 he presented the Pretal 13 project for 11 months, worked for 10 months at the Cultural Foundation of the State of Bahia, where he was part of the educational sector of the Abelardo Rodrigues Museum and created the Caymmi Workshop for the house of music (Parque do Abaeté).

In 1997 he created the Centro Cultural Oficina Reciclável project, in Calabetão, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote workshops, courses, lectures, contests and video shows with themes related to the integration of man with nature and artistic and historical heritage through recycling waste.

Of humble origin, his great riches were courage, talent and the ability to work, a loyal, upright and dreamy friend, but always with his feet on the ground.

The best lesson that Valtércio taught his boys was life, because today they are the ones who take the Centro Cultural project to the front, with joy, strength and determination.

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